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Find out what other alumni from our year are up to.

Dr. Carolyn G. Thomas

Graduation Year: 1994, fall2014

I recently returned from a trip to Alabama, where my daughter and I had the privilege of retracing the steps of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Reverend Ralph Abernathy, John Lewis, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Dr. Rosa Parks, and other prominent members of the Civil Rights movement. I previously met many of these wonderful people and was directly involved in the struggle with them. To visit Dr. King’s church on Dexter Street and Dr. Park’s Memorial Museum, in Montgomery was awesome. Hats off to them, many of whom it would be posthumously. Their work was not in vain as they made a major contribution to our global society. Our visit to Alabama was to spend time with our dear friends/family, Harold and Josephine Thompson. Harold, who was the first person to handle ‘moon stones’ in 

his lab at Harvard University. We were blessed.