
Find out what other alumni from our year are up to. If you would like your snippet included in the next issue email us.

Find out what other alumni from our year are up to.

Blair Beed, BComm

Graduation Year: 1977

Blair Beed BComm77 was a guest speaker at the British Titanic Society Convention in Southampton, England in April with the topic 'Halifax Canadian City of Sadness and the White Star Connections.' Afterwards, he treated himself to a 30-day trip around the UK to mark his 40-year graduation anniversary from Saint Mary’s, and was in London the day of the car attack on Parliament. Luckily, Blair had made a left turn instead of a right just moments before and missed the tragic events by a hair. The next day, he joined thousands of others at a vigil in Trafalgar Square. This December, he will speak at a number of events to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Halifax Explosion.