
Find out what other alumni from our year are up to. If you would like your snippet included in the next issue email us.

Find out what other alumni from our year are up to.

Tim McCluskey, BEd’82

Graduation Year: 1982

Tim McCluskey BEd’82 is the President of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation’s Board of Directors. The Fergusson Foundation (FF) is dedicated to the prevention and elimination of family violence is all forms. Tim lived for 26 years in Kamloops and moved back to the Maritimes in 2010 for a position with the Office of Educator Excellence at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s (EECD). He currently lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick and has been seconded to EECD’s Facilities and Pupil Transportation Branch where he leads initiatives on water, conveyance, accessibility, and continues to play a lead role in water quality, occupational health and safety, and school safety and security. Tim remains in touch with several classmates from the class of 1982, and when not on his bicycle, watching his Leafs in winter, or buried in a book, might be found at a cottage in Caissie Cape or visiting one of his offspring in either Halifax or Toronto.