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Find out what other alumni from our year are up to.

Chris Johnson, BA’11

Graduation Year: 2011

Chris Johnson BA’11 is an author, a proficient public speaker and coach. He is now a successful CEO of multiple companies. He studied Religion in university and has travelled the world to experience different nations’ ideas of health, medicine, and spirituality. Chris’ adventures have led him to places like India, Peru, and China. He also studied nutrition for over 20 years at home in Canada. 

Chris Johnson had his first experience with anxiety at the age of 8 and massive bouts of depression throughout his adult life. By focusing on nutrition and some key practices, he was able to not only overcome these psychological hurdles, but also thrive. His interest in bettering himself has led to a life-long spiritual journey culminating in this book “Happyology”. Happyology - 8 Secret Strategies for Success is scheduled for release in the summer of 2020.