
We are always pleased to hear about the diverse experiences and accomplishments of our alumni and to share these stories with you.

One Year Later

By Renée Hartleib | spring 2017

Cayley Fox and Kala Rafuse knew each other since they were three years old. The same pre-school, the same elementary school, the same high school, and then the same university. While Cayley entered the Sciences at Saint Mary’s, Kala studied Criminology and Sociology, but the two remained close.

Kala described Cayley as confident, well-liked, hilarious, and someone who never failed to…

Remembering Paul Lynch

By Mary-Evelyn Ternan, Past President, Alumni Council BA’69, Bed’70, MEd’88 | spring 2017

Paul Lynch and I went to Primary together, at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, and then lost touch. Although I always followed news of Paul through Maroon & White, we didn’t really get reacquainted until I became SMU Alumni President in the fall of 2014. 

It was so wonderful to reconnect with him and discover all of the people we had in common and how much we both loved SMU. He was…